1. Is starting now worth it?


    I'd like to play in arenas at high level, aiming for gladiator titles. But here is my estimate (assuming everything goes smoothly):
    - 1 month to level up 1-70
    - 1-2 months to get a decent gear (it seems like the battlegrounds are quite a mess, with indecent queue times...)
    - 1-2 months to get the top gear (S4)
    - 1-2 more weeks to farm elo
    So, roughly 4 months. Am I right to think that it's too late, that the season will be over and the server dead before I can even start the competition? Should I wait for a fresh realm?

  2. U can UP 1-70 instantly, just spend some money, and donate it.
    1-1.5 month for get full guardion from BGs and 3-4 s4 gear, then 3 weeks for weaps.
    U can farm honor, and farm badges/arena in the sametime

  3. its already close to dead, u r late. also gl with farming bg's as hordie lol, i mean with sitting in que for a quick lose xDDDD
    Edited: August 19, 2018

  4. Should I wait for a fresh realm?
    Lol, yea dude wait for a fresh server that doesn't get shut down in a few months, or that actually progresses past t5 in the next 5 years. See you never.

  5. best way to go about this is join a T4 guild whos just startng out

  6. Leveling is very fast, this is an 5x realm. If you're a die-hard virgin with self-popping pimples like me, then leveling from 1-70 should be easily done in 2-3 days.

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