1. Please incentivize 3s on Blackrock.

    Just make a simple change to revive this bracket.

    Increase case drop rate in 3s by a big amount or make case drop 100% drop-rate in 3s.

    Why not? We can't even buy transmog for points like the other realms. So just give us cases for certain if we play 3s.

    We get transmog and you instantly revive the 3s bracket by doing this, it's best of both worlds.


  2. More than half a year ago, malaco said (in stream) they would remake Transmog system, and make TOKENS only be obtained from 3v3 (non-soloQ), a way to incentivize 3v3 braket. Not sure if he gave up on the idea, or is just waiting for cross-realm... When cross-realm comes, if it ever comes, we will be using Icecrown core instead of Blackrock core (wich is outdated and has many many more bugs). Blackrock realm still to this day has potential to be revived and grow, the only problem is the Leaders don't seem to give a single crap about the realm (malaco, devs, GM's), it's sad.

  3. Incentivizing it won't help. People are too cancer for other people to want to play with. It is what it is.

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