1. How do you farm gold ?

    How i can farm gold when i'm 40 level. I don't understand these proffesions.

  2. How i can farm gold when i'm 40 level. I don't understand these proffesions.
    how ya doing sir, the best way in my oppinion to make gold on this server is by getting gathering professions while leveling. Aka, skinning, Herbalism, and mining. Herbalism and mining are my preference.

  3. how ya doing sir, the best way in my oppinion to make gold on this server is by getting gathering professions while leveling. Aka, skinning, Herbalism, and mining. Herbalism and mining are my preference.
    On Icecrown, you're competing with HUNDREDS of farmers, so it won't be easy for newcomers. If the OP decides to make a gathering prof, he may need to spend more time farming Outland mats instead.

    And never get any gear-making prof like blacksmithing or tailoring unless you're doing ToC or ICC.

    I recommend a combination of herbalism and alchemy.

  4. to be fair, i found when i was leveling that the competition for Copper, Tin, Iron and Thorium was very lax. Only Mithril was a problem. And mining and selling those matts helped me pay my way forward

    Just slows your leveling down a fair bit. but youknow.

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