Hello all,

I'm 41, and played WOW from beta through Lich King, though my best memories and most consistent gameplay was from launch through Burning Crusade.

I'm a bit of an odd duck, I think. I never really got into serious raiding, mostly due to real life schedule but also partly to being a bit of a dirty casual in spirit. I loved my experience of leveling characters up through BC, 5 man dungeons were about my speed, and then my end game mostly involved casual pvp in BGs, and just an itty bitty bit of Arenas.

I think I'll be playing on TBC server, though I'm a little worried that the x5 xp might make me blow through areas too fast. I'm not sure. I'm torn between that and the x1 Lich server.

Anyway, I hope to meet some nice folks, maybe even find some fellow casual peeps to relax with.
