1. show lowlevel quest

    im 70 and wanna do quests for rep but cant see low level quests on my minimap or any "!" on NPCs. Is it possible somehow?

  2. I never could find a decent tracker or addon that could help. I did it the old fashioned way...

    Find a decent 2.4.3 database site and browse to the faction section. From there you can see every quest that's offered for each faction.

    I put all this info into a word doc (copy and pasted it, cleaned up the columns/rows, took maybe 5-10 min per faction). The links carried through so I was able to click the link, see where the quest was, check if I did it, and if so... cross it off the list. This was helpful because I was able to sort by level and just quest my way from start to finish. Was a ton of fun. Did a lot of quests I never did in all my years playing.

    I did this for all the major factions and I was exalted with all the major cities by lvl 40 (http://armory.warmane.com/character/...and/reputation) (darkspear is bugged, they're done too). This seems doable on a 39 twink as well but it would cut it close. I was scrapping the bottom of the lists for the last push on silvermoon (most difficult quest only faction).

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