1. What is population of this server like ???

    Also how were classes in this expansion like where do Death knights stand in the balance of it all curious..

    Also can I make a death knight or do I need a 55 character ?

  2. Anyone I am assuming this pretty dead server and will be shut off soon just like Neth was..

  3. Well just don't rely on forum activity. Forums were dead already when MoP was retail. Anyway, starting over is a pain right now because the server is already at its end (content-wise). Being a fresh 90 is terrible in the pvp scene since 90% of the server is queueing on full 550 gear. At this point there is basically nothing like "new recruits" anymore, because the gear gap is too frustrating. An intelligent measure right now would be to restart from a lower PVP season (such as tyrannical).

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