1. hiting through walls

    hi i report this ingame but was sended to buggtracker so i report there and post got deleted now i post here. why dont u want this to be fixed its a known bugg its completely nonsense. u dont care about the realms best? there is plenty of evidence u can check Youtube videos,or check for urselves.. is it only delay cause this problem i dont Think so. its a nogo for a rogue to try hard vs a try hard warr team that put bleed effect on u through boxses, and Death knight's gargoyle casting moving through boxses aswell? why isnt this on blackrock? u keep having these events but dont fix major buggs?why?

  2. 1. Because it is a Fix. It seems that on Retail autoattack ignores LoS, so they implemented that here.
    2. Gargoyle moving through Boxes is a bug due to the bad pathfinding of Dalaran Arena Map. Hopefully one day it will be fixed ( it is already reported but "unconfirmed")
    Edited: October 28, 2018

  3. 1. Because it is a Fix. It seems that on Retail autoattack ignores LoS, so they implemented that here.
    SAY WHAT!? I get it that this is blizzlike server, but ffs if blizzard made some glaring mistakes why the **** are they forcing them as features here?!

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