1. Cloud Serpents

    hey guys does anyone know if the ability to fly Cloud Serpent is bug?

    I recently bought a Cloud Serpent
    and when I use it I get the following message “Requierd Cloud Serpent Riding flygin”
    if someone can tell me what missions to do to get the ability to fly or if I have to buy it or if this bug? Thank you

  2. hey guys does anyone know if the ability to fly Cloud Serpent is bug?

    I recently bought a Cloud Serpent
    and when I use it I get the following message “Requierd Cloud Serpent Riding flygin”
    if someone can tell me what missions to do to get the ability to fly or if I have to buy it or if this bug? Thank you
    Do dailies with the Order of the Cloud Serpent until you get exalted, then take the yellow quest from the riding trainer near the race Flag at the edge of the mountain. This quest "...Flight Training: In Due Course..." will need you to pass 10 Checkpoints. If you're unable to see the Flags on the checkpoints, try going all the way down bottom and pass through them in order to credit. Hope this helps.
    Edited: October 30, 2018

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