1. [wotlk} Question Mass dispel


    i play pvp with my disc priest and i have some trouble with mass dispel in arena. sometimes i can t dispel pala s buble... i spam it 3 times and nothing happened...
    (i ve got 6% hit and 74 spell pen)
    is it normal?

  2. It's... complicated. A variety of things can make its behavior weird on a private server. Theoretically, you should only need hit rating, but some racials, talents and very specific buffs can make the dispel miss or be resisted. That's not accounting for any funky things in the scripting of the spell functions.

  3. The pal was self buffed.
    In arena it s very very annoying because you have to react quick...
    so in this server it’s useless to hit the different cap?

  4. It's not useless. It's just not very realistic for situations against specific specs and races.

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