1. Skill > racial?

    My question is simple, when we speak about war pvp everybody think gnome, rogue undead mage undead just as examples. Now the question is, can the skill outplay the racial nowadays at high ranks? For example a troll war vs gnome in arenas?

  2. Appreciated are answers different from a mongrel yes or not. Argue a little bit more pls.

  3. Short answer is no. It's hard to give you a concise answer given your question is pretty general. Is a 2k+ player still going to be a 2k+ player even with poor racials? Yes. Is it going to hurt his/her performance? Yes. How much exactly, is hard to pin point.

    Let's take the Rogue example. On one side, you have Human Rogues, on the other, you have Undead Rogues. As an Undead Rogue myself, I often feel compelled (depending on composition and other factors) to pre-Vanish in order to avoid being detected by a Human Rogue and having the option to either find the opposing Rogue or simply opening on his teammate without being detected first. Starting out with one less Vanish available is pretty big. It's not going to mean an arena loss, but it is big nonetheless. In the long run, being Human over, say, Night Elf, is probably going to win you an extra game out of 10.

    Being Undead, in the same way, is huge against many compositions. I'd argue that being Undead over, say, Troll, is going to win you at least an extra game out of 10.

    Now, can you "outplay" the racials? Well, you can try to play around them, but only to some extent. You will lose some games just because you have the wrong racials in the long run. It's just a question of how much does it really matter to you. Do you want to be Gladiator? You most likely won't ever make it. Do you want Brutal weapons? That won't be an issue. At the same time, do you realize how pissed-off you will be every time you lose due to lack of racials? It's going to feel like you lose 1 out of 3 games just because of that, even if in reality that's not the case.

  4. Ok, in the specific, my question was about the class war, if a nightelf or undead can compete vs a gnome. If both the player got the same skill definitely not the racial win, not always ok, but make the difference. The question was obviusly done when both the character got the same equip -.- or nearly.

  5. Everything except blood elf hunter is fine, be hunter is garbage.

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