1. Less gold from quests at 80

    I feel like the gold u get from quests after you hit level 80 has been squashed? i was making like 100g off each quest in storm peaks before and now im only making like 20g...? anyone experiencing the same thing?

  2. for the record what quest was that? o.O

  3. saw this post, actually looked at gold earned today from daily quests.

    few gave same ammount as 2 days ago (50g), but most of them gave less (40g)

  4. Sure, if your questing in storm peaks, then switch to say borean tundra your going to earn less gold.. But also, the gear you get from said quest does it make up the diffrence? I find that quest with out gear rewards give more then those that give gear. and if you look at the price of the gear it more then makes up the difference.

    but this is personal opinion.

  5. What time period are you comparing your values to? A long time ago gold rates were much higher than they are now (7% to 3% i think), the gold naturally given from the quest is much lower than it was way back then. It also varies from quest to quest, zone to zone, some give more/less gold and xp (which is gold at lvl 80).
    When I did Northrend loremaster roughly a year ago I believe I was getting 70-100 gold per quest. I can't remember if that was before or after the rate squish.

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