1. New to Rdudu (battlegrounds)

    Hi all,

    I recently got a druid and i'm 5.1k resto, mainly for playing battleground (no arena or raids), i use healbot for healing as that's what i got comfortable with (i'm open to other addon suggestions though), i mainly come from healing in battlegrounds as a resto shaman and it was a much more straightforward healing spec for me.

    My main problem seems to be having to choose between blanketing rejuvenation or blanketing a few stacks of lifebloom, since lifebloom ticks faster and gives mana at the end, it seems to be more appropriate to spam in a group fight than rejuvenation.

    I get that wild growth is a "use as soon as available" skill because it's fantastic, but then comes the choice between rejuvenation and lifebloom, and idk when to use regrowth either.

    When do i use what?

  2. Try out things, and figure out what works for you.

    Keep in mind that if you do not have any rejuvenation, you cannot Swiftmend at all, so you gotta have some of these rejuv around, preferably on the people that are at risk of getting hard switched on (melees and healers usually).

    Usually in a battleground not everyone is being nuked at once, and usually the melees are getting slowly killed, cause they are in melee range of other melees, getting cleaved a bit, so you can just roll hots on them and quickly switch to swiftmend/nourish if they are getting suddenly nuked. On the other hand, ranged dps will only be either left alone or hard focused, so "big chunks of bursty damage" that you'll probably want to heal with direct heal (nourish if you have a hot on them, else prolly rejuv then nourish). You also prolly want to make sure you always have something on you so that when they decided to go hard on you you are not taken by suprise... cause you'll get stunned (hots will help), or you'll loose a few GCD with shapeshifting out of the snares, ... You kinda want to know about who is were (aka, safe or not safe) also to know where to prioritize reapplying a hot. Also concerning regrowth you can place them beforehand (like, you see the that other team is incoming in like 5', then place 3-4 regrowth on you, melees and other healers, that way these long lasting hots with guarantee that you can Swiftmend them for the next 24s, and that nourish will benefit from the +20%).

    Keep in mind that your job is to "not let players die" (Swiftmend/Nourish/Lifebloom are good here) rather than "do your maximum HPS" (that's WG/Rejuv blanketting), and that also means roots, cyclones and hibernates aren't bad...

  3. Hi all,

    I recently got a druid and i'm 5.1k resto, mainly for playing battleground (no arena or raids), i use healbot for healing as that's what i got comfortable with (i'm open to other addon suggestions though), i mainly come from healing in battlegrounds as a resto shaman and it was a much more straightforward healing spec for me.

    My main problem seems to be having to choose between blanketing rejuvenation or blanketing a few stacks of lifebloom, since lifebloom ticks faster and gives mana at the end, it seems to be more appropriate to spam in a group fight than rejuvenation.

    I get that wild growth is a "use as soon as available" skill because it's fantastic, but then comes the choice between rejuvenation and lifebloom, and idk when to use regrowth either.

    When do i use what?

    In Battleground you usually don’t have enough time to stack Lifebloom on more than one target (it’s usually used on a player that’s about to receive damage and pressure. ).
    Your main group healing hots are Wild Growth, Rejuvenation as blanket heals and Nourish/Swiftmend once their HP drops. Lifebloom being a little specific.

    Lifebloom is used usually on a MDPS that goes deep or on a target that’s about to be under a lot of pressure. Keep in mind that’s imprortant to time Lifebloom wisely so it does bloom when you actually need it. If it’s about to bloom and your target is close to full health and still under pressure, refresh it, otherwise let it bloom. There’s another specific situation where you might favor Lifebloom over Rejuvenation is that you are low on mana (due to lack of spirit, constant healing for a longer preiod of time, no mana pots, innervate on cd or you’ve innervated your cohealer) as Lifebloom gives you back mana after it blooms. It’s most mana-efficied spell that druids have if you use it in a smart way. You can heal with Lifebloom even when you’re very very low on mana.

    Wild Growth is a spell that should be used whenever group of your allies are about to or already are receiving damage. It’s our main group healing spell that will provide a solid blanket healing and it will make your top charts. It’s not crucial to top charts but everyone loves that. Use it whenever it’s off CD and you’re healing more than 2 people.

    Rejuvenation is our main and strongest hot. Try to keep it on everyone that’s under any type of pressure. It will allow you to Swifmend (Regrowth will do that too), and like all our other HoT spells increase Nourish potency by 6% (This stacks. Once you gear up 12/13k Noruish isn’t going to be a surprise for you even with 1.3k Resi) with Glyph of Nourish (which is what you should be using if you’re BG/Raid healer mainly, as I am).

    Regrowth usage should be similar to Rejuvenation but the improtant difference is cast time that won’t allow you use it as much but it’s improtant to get a feel on when it’s good time to use it, as you could be interrupted. It’s very powerful heal and HoT as it provides instant heal, our longest HoT and ability to use Swiftmend. I use it usually when I know I’m not going to be interrupted or few seconds before on an ally that I know is going to be pressured.

    It’s improtant to keep in mind that we’re druids and besides the fact that we’re most likely best BG healers out there, sometimes you’re going to feel that your heals are NOT enough. An example is having all HoTs on an MDPS and Nourishing like crazy but just heal-reduction or purging those HoT effects makes you feel your heals are too low. Basically, that’s just something you’ll have to accept and deal with - We’re not AWESOME single target healers in PvP, but we’re decent. If you want to avoid this, queue that BG with any other healer, preferrably Disco Priest/Holy Paladin. That takes care of it.

    1. You can Swiftmend even if another druids Rejuvenation or Regrowth are on the target of your Swiftmend.
    2. Stay back and out of Tree of Life form at the beginning of fight, you don’t want unneccesary attention.
    3. Do not “dive deep” especially without resilience as you’ll die and anyways, your guys don’t need you cc-ed right away.
    4. Don’t run away from Entangling Roots and Cyclone. It just feels wonderful cycloning that smourne warr that’s about to kill your buddy and healing your buddy up.
    5. Nature’s Swiftness/Healing Touch Macro is your PANIC button. This can crit up to 18/20k.
    6. You’re a druid and if you’re not constantly healing and pressing those buttons while fight is going on, you’re not doing it right. Pre-HoT, Pre-Hot, Pre-Hot,Pre-Hot, Pre-Hot, Pre-Hot, Pre-Hot.
    7. Keeping Abolish Poison up on targets of those geared Hunters and Rogues makes it way easier to heal up.
    8. Avoid mana regeneration trinkets, it’s slot-waste for us. You can keep your mana up with any decent gear (5.5k up) with constant and clever usage of Runic Mana Potions. Farm them or farm gold. Get Engineering for Mana Pot Injections and save that Innervate for somoene who really needs it:P

    Good luck and feel free to hit me up with any other questions.
    Edited: November 29, 2018

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