1. Is Icecrown horde dominated?

    I've been seeing so many horde players with pretty much no competition from the alliance.

  2. Currently the situation is balanced.

    I thiink... two months ago many of us had a feel alliance was most of the time winning those BG's, and that's how it was. At least for the time of day when I'm playing. It's a different story now.

  3. Maybe just a little. In my experience, there are more Horde players that gank just a tad more than Alliance does.

    Though I haven’t played in months, so what do I know?

  4. I don't think they are balanced at all. I was going to make a forum post on this before i saw this one but I seriously don't know why every time I q a BG(which is often and im glad exp with decent gear), once i get in a BG we already start getting camped like 30 seconds into the game and all of us are not able to play the entire game. this is just one scenario out of 70% of my bgs that i've gotten in thats been like that. and i don't think thats a coincidence. something needs to be done with multiboxing in wintergrasp as it ruins the progression experience for a player trying to gear. multiboxing shouldnt be allowed in PVP if this server is free to play, they are just getting free max levels just from playing one character and having it control the rest for no price at all. in retail you at least have to make different accounts and sub to each of them for $15 or some gold, if WoW retail was free to play multiboxing would be a perma-bannable offense because it is extremely unfair and especially in wrath when gear actually matters.

  5. They seem about equal to me, I play both sides. It's like 50/50

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