1. Prot Warrior looking for advice on ICC

    I ran ICC earlier today, we stopped at Blood Queen. I had trouble surviving during Blood Prince and got 1 shot on Blood-Queen, with non raid wiping deaths on PP and Fester towards the end of the encounters. I want to know if this is something I'm doing wrong with my character gear wise or ability wise(I know this wont be accurate since you guys weren't in the raid).
    Here is my character profle- http://armory.warmane.com/character/...ecrown/summary
    One thing that I can't seem to find on my character profile is my defense stat so I will list it below.
    Defense- 561

    I appreciate any help that is given! You can reply to this post or message Tankaguy in-game if I'm online.

  2. You can start changing non stamina gems into mixed stamina gems or pure ones. You have low armor, you sure to take lots dmg from bql. Your healers has to focus more on you and you have to use defensives more and ask for their defensives on you too. And if you were ot that part prolly healers slacked a bit due inexperience.

    PS: Get stoneblood flask and indestructible potion, also use demo shout if you dont.

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