1. Warrior lvling?

    What is best build to lvl as warrior?Is it better to lvl as 2hand furry or dual?

  2. What is best build to lvl as warrior?Is it better to lvl as 2hand furry or dual?
    some say its easier to level up as furry but personally i always leveled up with the spec im going to play... arms, so level in the spec your planing on playing at 70.
    1.if you play your spec from day1/level one you should much a better mastery of it after leveling up 70 times more so then starting to play it at 70,see my point?
    2. no wasting $ on respecting and this is a 5x server so you level fast anyway
    like i said i always played arms and leveled as arms and sure you can take some lumps/ might get ganked for a while but once you hit 40ish get MS and plate things start to change and you will be ahead playing a spec for 70 levels more so then people who start a spec at 70.

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