1. Looking for a Critical hits sound addon

    I used to have a sound addon that plays a sound every time you get a critical hit. I've been looking for this type of addon for 3.3.5 with little luck. Looking for something that I can use my own custom sounds. I have applause sounds ready. When I get a bunch of crits in a row, the random applause sounds become fuller and louder. Its kinda like a laugh track on a sitcom. xD

    Any help?

  2. Running full pve hunt, this would make me kill myself lmao

  3. I finally found my old post. I lost this post. Hold on. I'll move my new post here and delete the new one.

  4. I posted here a few days back asking if anyone could help me find a crit sounds addon. I was going to put this update there, but for some unknown reason I cannot find the topic, so I will post my find here.

    I found one called, "CritSound". The author left info on how to make changes to the addon.

    This is his info.

    plays a sound when you perform a critical hit or healing.

    includes your physical damage ,spell damage, ranged damage, healing and your damage shield.

    CritSound includes three mode:

    1.single mode: always plays the first sound in the list.

    2.sequence mode: plays the sounds in the list one by one when you perform a critical hit continually.

    3.random mode: plays the sounds in the list randomly.

    Use /cs or /critsound to open the controlpanel.

    if you use the sequence mode, you can modify the aging time for collecting your critical hits.

    you can edit CritSound.lua to delete or add sounds.

    for example, in the line 5 to 11:

    spell = {

    "CriticalDamage.ogg", --first time

    "Dominating.ogg", --second time

    "Unstoppable.ogg", --etc.




    if you want to add xxx.ogg, just add it below the last sound, but don't forget to add a comma after the new lines.

    from WoD, you 'must' use ogg instead of mp3.

    spell = {

    "CriticalDamage.ogg", --first time

    "Dominating.ogg", --second time

    "Unstoppable.ogg", --etc.




    Problem is, I cannot get the /cs commands to work to open the control panel. The version I downloaded was for 3.0.3 It was the one closest to 3.3.5 I could find.

    I got the addon to work, but because I can't use the control panel for the addon, each type of crit can only play the first sound in the list. My addon looks like this...

    function CritSound_OnLoad()

    function CritSound_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
    local timestamp, event, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags = select(1, ...)
    if CombatLog_Object_IsA(sourceFlags, COMBATLOG_FILTER_MINE) then
    -- 技能、法术。
    if (event == "SPELL_DAMAGE") then
    critical = select(18, ...)
    if critical then
    PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\appla use2.mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause1 .mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause3.mp3 ","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause4.mp3 ");
    -- 伤害护盾,如闪电盾。
    elseif (event == "DAMAGE_SHIELD") then
    critical = select(18, ...)
    if critical then
    PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\appla use4.mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause2 .mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause3.mp3 ","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause1.mp3 ");
    -- 和近战攻击相关。
    elseif (event == "SWING_DAMAGE") then
    critical = select(15, ...)
    if critical then
    PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\appla use3.mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause2 .mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause1.mp3 ","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause4.mp3 ");
    -- 和远程攻击相关,如猎人的弓弩射击或术士(法师、牧师)的魔杖攻击。
    elseif (event == "RANGE_DAMAGE") then
    critical = select(18, ...)
    if critical then
    PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\appla use1.mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause2 .mp3","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause3.mp3 ","Interface\\AddOns\\CritSound\\applause4.mp3 ");
    -- 治疗法术。
    elseif (event == "SPELL_HEAL") then
    critical = select(14, ...)
    if critical then
    Is there anyone here that knows enough to help me get this addon working to its full potential?

    PS, I know the file pathway to the crit heal is broken. I did that to make it stop doing the heal sound every time I heal my demon with Spellpower damage.

    Thanks for the help if anyone can. I know this addon isn't for everyone, but its one of my favs.

  5. This sounds incredibly annoying (as a hunter) but I'm pretty sure MSBT (MiksScrollingBattleText) has this functionality.

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