1. [Question] Reworked Dungeons.

    Good evening everyone,
    I was wondering if it's theoretically possible to change all the dungeons into their reworked versions with their own maps and quests. (the ones you see on retail)

    I know it may cause some issues but I think it'll drastically Improve the leveling process.

    What do you guys think?

  2. depends which expansion yer talking about, if wotlk, simply no, if cata, dont care, if panda, still dont care (maybe retail already had it there, maybe not, dont know, joined when warlords released), if they ever get to warlords, then they already are ;o.
    Though the maps have kinda lost their purpose since the big dungs have been made into several small ones long ago, so there is little to no possibility to get lost in them these days =(.

  3. built in maps would be nice, but definitely shouldn't be a priority by no means. for now get the mapster addon. has all the instance maps.

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