1. People running in place.

    (Icecrown Realm - WOTLK) There has been an issue today with a few of my guildmates, basically whenever they log in they can themselves move but other people around them are running in place, they can't cast spells or even log out, they have to ALT+F4. I can see them running around but for them everyone else is just locked in place. We tried flushing their DNS, resetting their routers, and making new cache/interface/wtf folders, disabling UAC/firewall, but nothing seems to work. If anyone has a workaround please share. Thank you.
    Edited: February 16, 2019

  2. I'm getting this too on Outland server. Logging into account is fine, but the loading bar gets stuck at 100%, people are named"unknown", and I've tried logging onto a second BC client I have by changing ream list and same problem, also tried changing DNS, going to try proxy now.

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