1. Fury

    Hey I would like to know if someone have a nice addon for fury warrior when i can use slam and so on, Also a recount that works and DBM i have downloaded 3 diffrent once and no one works .

  2. Hey Alskarn, I think i can help you out some.

    I know there was an addon for slam that lit up the icon when you had a proc but I haven't been able to locate it.
    instead, just use this macro, it'll cast slam if you have a proc, and well, it won't if you don't.

    /cast Slam

    As for your recount and DBM. It's some combat bug or some error that keeps it from working, not sure exactly but this is the fix:

    /run local f = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", CombatLogClearEntries);

    Macro that and run it when you get in game and before instances, or just when your recount isn't working and it should restore functionality.

    All of this information is on the forums with a little bit of searching, hope it helps!

  3. Hey Alskarn, I think i can help you out some.

    I know there was an addon for slam that lit up the icon when you had a proc but I haven't been able to locate it.
    instead, just use this macro, it'll cast slam if you have a proc, and well, it won't if you don't.

    /cast Slam

    As for your recount and DBM. It's some combat bug or some error that keeps it from working, not sure exactly but this is the fix:

    /run local f = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent); f:SetScript("OnUpdate", CombatLogClearEntries);

    Macro that and run it when you get in game and before instances, or just when your recount isn't working and it should restore functionality.

    All of this information is on the forums with a little bit of searching, hope it helps!

    Be carefull when using that slam macro... it stops Heroic Strike as well.

    One addon you can use for slam.. I use Weak Auras for all my chars. (it can display everything anyway you want it)

  4. Cheese is what you need buddy what it does is notify you with some kind of bent lines around your character when slam procs. EventAlert is anther good choice this one notifys you with slam icon on screen. personally i prefer Cheese since i dont like many images on my screen... so its up to you ;)

  5. Cheese is what you need buddy
    Not really, Cheese is pretty weak when it comes to slam procs because it shows you that you have a proc, not how many you have. Knowing that you have 2 procs might impact what you'll press next.
    That being said I'd recommand you to use either WeakAuras or TellMeWhen.

  6. May 28, 2019  
    I use NeedToKnow, pretty neat to track all kinds of stuff on self, on enemy, from self, from others, Cds, ICDs, etc

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