1. Could not customize character (not using wod models)

    Hello, I bought a character recustomization for my troll mage, i'm trying to go female troll but there's a bugged troll face (it's the desired face I want) whenever I try to choose that face I get an error "Could not customize character", all the other troll faces work fine, it's just this specific face. I DON'T HAVE WOD MODELS, I deleted my cache/disabled all addons, has anyone found a workaround for this issue? i saw some other posts with the same problem, wondering if anyone found a way to resolve this, thanks. :)

    UPDATE, RESOLVED: it seems it's only bugged when doing a "recustomization", I just bought a race change and choose the face and it worked.
    Edited: February 21, 2019

  2. I had an idea, i'm not sure if it's bugged only for "customizations", but what if I race change to another race or faction change to alliance and then try to race/faction change back to troll, has anyone tried that? I think it would work.

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