1. So, this is a thing that happened.

    Today, I claimed my points for logging in cause I thought...why not...then this happened.


    Not really sure why this happened, but too bad it isn't a comma lmao

    (total clickbait title)

  2. would phrase it that way

    Millionaires don't want you to know this trick

  3. happens to me everytime i collect points

  4. So you're that guy who steals my 0.00000000000001 points? I often wondered why I had .9999999999999 points....

  5. So you're that guy who steals my 0.00000000000001 points? I often wondered why I had .9999999999999 points....
    I couldn't help myself m8 :p

  6. If you're more interested as to why such things happen (nothing related to WoW specifically) I would recommend looking up 'floating point underflow error' :) . And yeah, I get the .9999999999 thing as well

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