1. [ANSWERED]Donation Issue

    I'm a guy from Iran and wanted to make my account premium you know because we're not connected to International banking system its really difficult to pay money outside country. i really wanted to make my account premium and after much searching i could get a virtual master card the problem is the money in that card is just 10 US$ i just bought for just donating and after i came to donate i realised the minimum currency is 10 Euro but last time i checked the currency units were to US$ and i am confused now.
    cause of my special case is there anyway i can donate US$ instead of Euro? plz help me cause if i don't donate the money is wasted i can't buy anything else. thanks in advanced

  2. 10 euros is our minimal donation which is 11.32 usd. So yes, you may pay in dollars but that's the minimum donation.

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