1. Discord Bot for Guild Help


    I created a Discord Bot that is dedicated for Guild Help.

    Bot Functions:

    Dkp Verification
    Raid Schedule Reminder

    More futures will be added in time.

    The bot is help for Guilds that use DKP System and want to give users access to verify their guild info even if they are offline or logged from phones.

    Here is a screenshot of how the bot looks like:

    If you are curious to try the bot out yourself here is an inv to the text server: https://discord.gg/B3vfzN6

    Right now bot responds to the following commands:

    And Prefix & + playername

    It's set to Guild W I P E for now!

    In case of another guild wanting the bot, the name of the bot will be changed + descriptions and coding.

  2. Hello there!
    The link is not working.
    Also is this only for Icecrown?
    Could you provide a new one?

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