1. Altoholic


    I have "installed" Altoholic 3.3.002b into my client and it works fine still i use only one account. I tried lot of ways and descriptions how to share altoholic between two account in one realm but nothing. Enabled data sharing in both account started the sharing project but after hours its do nothing. Someone maybe know how to share account?

  2. Bit late to the party, but i also have the same problem. Works fine on one account, but if you try to share across accounts it will display the message "getting table of contents from xyz" indefinitely. Have you been able to make account sharing work since?

  3. In case this is still relevant for somebody:

    I didn't solve the original issue where two accounts wouldn't communicate with each other. I did however find a workaround if both accounts are yours and played on the same computer: symbolic links.

    A symbolic link creates a shortcut to a directory and if any program wants to access the shortcut, it will be redirected to the path your shortcut is pointing to.

    Prereq: Both account's SavedVariables are on the same computer; you have admin rights.

    1. Copy your characters saved variables into your "main account"'s directory. (You can skip this if you don't need to keep those, but you will have to configure some things new then)

    2. Delete "saved variables" on your other accounts (mandatory, because we can't create a link with the exact same path as an existing directory)

    3. Start your CMD by typing "cmd" in the start menu, then rightlick is and run as admin.

    4. Use the following command:

    mklink /J "WOW-Path\WTF\Account\SecondAccount\SavedVariables" "WOW-Path\WTF\Account\MainAccount\SavedVariables"

    Folder names in green must be replaced by your actual paths and folder names, ofc.

    This creates a symbolic link in form of a shortcut within the second accounts's folder. Altoholic will follow your symbolic link and use the same folder as your primary account does.

    5. Rince and repeat if you have multiple accounts. Link them all to your main account's folder.

    More detailed explenation to symbolic link: Click here
    Edited: September 1, 2020

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