1. I'm looking for a good class to gank my friend from time to time.

    Hey everyone,
    I think most of us know that one friend that is a little bit to cocky and things he can beat anyone at any time.So I thought it would be fun to gank him from time to time while on discord and see his reaction.

    He currently has a Hunter and a Disci Priest which both aren't all that geared (he started playing again a week ago).
    He mostly farms in Icecrown currently on his Hunter and logs on his priests for BGs when we're doing BGs.

    What I'm planning to do is Gear a Horde char and when he goes on his "Holy **** I'm by far the best wow player that ever existed I can't wait to get gladi in questing greens again" talking spree , find him somewhere in the world and kill him.

    Which brings me to my question : What would be the best class to do this ? . Considering I would have to become fairly decent at the class , I dont wanne change my decision half way.

    From my research I found out that appreantly DK, Retri and Frost mage are very good 1v1 chars. But I'm not sure if they are also that good for what I'm planning to do.

    Especially considering I would have limited gear options in the beginning (I would pretty much farm up through BGs and the Auction House)

    BONUS QUESTION:I was wondering how good feral druid might be for this ? Stealth seems like a really good option to have when he is currently somewhere in Stormwind or Ironforge. And I'm waaaaaaaaay more confident in my abillities as a Feral compared to a Rogue as I would consider myself an OK Feral. Plus Flight Form would be awesome to hunt him down.On the otherhand, I'm not sure if he can't just outlast me on his Priest and if DK might be the better option afterall.

    Your thoughts ?

  2. So you want to kill his not so geared hunter in wpvp? There are a lot of variables, whats his gs, what will be your gs, his skill, your skill, has he engineering?

    Hunters are crazy strong in wpvp and they tend to counter ferals when they are aware of their presence, at least in endgame gear.

    You best choice is probably a rogue or a shadow priest if los is avaiable.

  3. If you really want to show him that he is wrong: get the same exact specc as he has because otherwise you'll get nothing else than "meh, your specc just counters mine, no skill!" out of him, and rightfully so tbh

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