1. What is the best race for demo lock?

    Is it Gnome or Human for alliance?

  2. For the raid is Human (racial), for personal DPS I think is Gnome (again racial).

  3. Which ones scales better dps? Spirit or Intellect?

  4. Human for +spirit bonus is better than Gnome's +int bonus i guess

  5. human is by far the best race for warlocks in pvp.

    in pve idk cuz im not a pve player lol.

  6. June 5, 2019  
    For Horde side PvE - It's gonna be Orc. 5% increased pet damage and an on-use SP trinket.

  7. human is the best warlock race for pvp in any spec. it becomes glaringly the best once you get bis pve trinkets.

    this is not debatable.

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