1. Rated Battlegrounds for WOTLK ?

    Were you ever considering this idea and is this something you guys are willing to discuss with community ? I believe there are many players that would like this feature.

    Please advise. Thanks

  2. It would be a highly custom feature and it would have to take the spot of one of the brackets, which is currently not possible and not something we want to do. Handling everything on the website, including team rating and personal rating is a thing that could work but it would separate the experience from the game.

    But it is possible, certainly. The systems for it already exist, that we use for tournaments and events. What is missing, is a way to queue and track rating and as you can see above there's no viable way to do this now.

    There are many features we are considering and thinking over at all times. Personally, I have given it thought in ways it can be created but this is not something that was discussed as a team and it is something we are not planning as of now. There's bigger fish to try right now.

    We will see what future brings.

    P.S Great avatar!

  3. Why would it need to take bracket slot? - you dont need to display it in arena slots, you can make all management through commands or npc, chat messages and BG popup can be used the same as normal BGs do and you just separate it server side.

  4. Rated BG would only be active when you can soloq for it.
    If a 10 man premade is required to queue up then rated BG would be even more dead than 5s.

    Personally I'd prefer to have team-deathmatch BGs.
    Each side has a set amount of resources which can only be reduced by killing opponents.
    The vast majority of BiS geared PvPers only cares about killing opponents and not about the BG objectives so why not make killing players the actual BG objective?
    Edited: April 23, 2019

  5. Rated BG would only be active when you can soloq for it.
    If a 10 man premade is required to queue up then rated BG would be even more dead than 5s.
    Yes it would be kinda stupid to expect full premades loging rated BGs as there will hardly be a real PVP guild, given that you need PVE guild to farm top gear from PVE in wotlk. But you can easily make it flex queue like in LoL, where you can log alone or in groups of 1-5 people, most people would log alone, so it would get filled with them. Also would be great source of fun if you dont have stable arena partners or just wanted to do some PVP with few friends - just log RBG together :D

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