Guys, while farming ethereum keys south-east of eco dome sutheron in netherstorm, i have noticed some people instantly opening the stasis chambers in the western part. Later i tried to ask how do they do it and one guy told me its not only instant, but it also doesnt require keys. When he moused over the stasis chamber, he only saw name: Stasis chamber, but not the message about needing the key to open it. Also there were some people that got multiple mobs/rep guys in each bubble same time. I cant confirm this but i believe those chambers are bugged. I would like to report this as if it really works that way for someone, whats the point for us, others ? I mean someone can farm exalted reps in no time and i have to farm hours to even have a chance to get some rep ? Unfair as hell. I cant offer any evidence but i hope someone will shed a light on it. Thanks