Hi folks! I have started on Lordaeron server because Wotlk was my favorite wow era and it seems to be the closest thing to retail of that time I could find. I had 10 max level chars(mostly alliance) and did quite a bit of crafting and raiding. Also led a guild that stayed at the 500max for a few years. Since I quit though I have made a rather large family and can only play casually now. I preferred tanking so will probably level protection pld, war, dk, and bear druid first.

Looking for a friendly guild that is active, but not demanding. Prefer social to raoding, also, I started leveling a paladin character named Tjangelus. Only level 19 so far, but already enjoying it and it's quite nostalgic lol. Oh, also I played ffxi for 11 years, ffxiv for a few and secret world legends some.

Thank you for reading my post and hopefully we will meet sometime ingame!.