1. June 7, 2019  

    Is PvP Alliance favored or am I just a gigantic noob?

    I play horde. I'm not a huge PvP fan but 1-2 bgs per day are nice. About 80% of the time Alliance wins them. Ofc this is completely anecdotal evidence on my part. I don't have a huge data sample or anything.

    I queue alone. For the past few days every AV I've entered has been a loss. And I don't mean "oh that was close" loss. I mean they're camping us inside our own base loss.
    Same with WSG, EOTS, etc. Kinda makes me not want to do PvP to be honest.

    Can anybody tell me if they're getting the same impression or is it just me?

  2. June 7, 2019  
    Horde winrates are incredibly low since the mercenary mode as predicted. Every PvP player on Lordareon/icecrown plays human to have the op racial and ends up on the alliance side. The Horde side are mainly alliance players from blackrock who are just in there to test their specc or get enough honor for their wrathful offset pieces. Avg. 6.5k icecrown old players vs. avg 5.6k Blackrock fresh players isn't exactly fair, and that's why horde loses so much lately

  3. June 9, 2019  
    Game gave favor to Horde in PvE, Ally in PvP by racials. And since we play on f2p server, PvP ers on Horde are mostly casuals unlike me beefy hero ally humans.

  4. The main problem is that whole blackrock server, alliance or horde, plays for horde vs mostly great geared and class experienced alliance every match....so half of your horde team is made of total noobs that spent 30 minutes on the class....i am a blackrock player myself, so no way im attackign the server, im just sayin how it is...

    .the sistem is really bad , and i dont see why the little real horde we have left should be at such at a unbalance while grinding honor and basically get punsihed....half of their team each bg is just trash....and from what i hear tons of icecrown and lorderon horde are simply fed up of this and will transfer to alliance....your system failed, and it failed miserably.

    solution would be to make the bgs totaly random, no premades, and randomly put each player from all 3 servers either to alliance or to horde....this way there will be balance.....

    and being a blackrock player myself, im mostly playing for the horde as well and getting shafted as well due to this system promoting this great imbalance.
    Edited: June 19, 2019

  5. If Dodgykebaab were a PVP player, he'd be incredibly happy right now. Seems like he was right all along about Alliance being the "glorious master faction".

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