1. The injustices of warmane

    I have been playing a few months in warmane and in almost everything it is 10/10 but there is a very simple thing that I do not understand and it is the injustice with the pvp

    I am an icecrown player and I love pvp but it is unfair and frustrating that when you do bg to have fun or to equip you get against people from the realm of blackrock and that no one is equipping themselves since they are all full pvp with their enchantments professions gems etc How are we going to win a bg when a team is alliance or horde and of 10 players 8 are equipping we have to face people full

    And adding that it's unfair to have to play against people who give everything for free and do not have to farm or earn their gear
    I understand the part of blackrock that they play just for pvp and have fun but that they play among them because it does not make sense that people who do not do anything are better to people who play many more hours than them
    As an icecrown player how will motivate me to get gear to pve to get the best weapons and other parts to use them doing pvp if that which I face is given everything done
    If in icecrown there are 12k of players along with those of lordaeron I do not see it necessary to join the kingdoms with blackrock when it comes to pvp

    I do not know how the other players will see it I hope you put your opinions but with this part of warmane I am very unhappy since I can not enjoy what it is to get things to be better to others that seems to me the essence of WoW

  2. Wait, Icecrown player complaining about gear disadvantage? Made me giggle irl. ^^

  3. The blackrock players are given all the icecrown players we have to get it is simple difference and your comment was not funny I gave it a lot of pity

  4. Injustice is that horde doesn't exist in battlegrounds, mostly you will see alliance blackrock merceneries at horde side.

  5. I came out of a BG where a blackrock alliance druid was taking bombs in IoC, in the aliance base, and instantly detonating them at the exact spot, basically sabotaging Horde. Cross realm is fine, but get those alliance ****s out of my Horde!

  6. wait i dont understand this post....you have a problem that you are grinding honor 3 times faster than horde/blackrock players?

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