1. Burst Macro Help

    Hi guys and lads. I need a macro for activate both "Elemental Mastery" and "Berserking" same time with one button.
    Anyone can help me pls ? Thanks

    Edit: For Wotlk

  2. I did it lol

    #showtooltip Elemental Mastery
    /cast Berserking
    /castsequence reset=60 Elemental Mastery

  3. Nice one, thanks for following up with the solution! I'll give this a shot with Blood Fury for orc racial...

  4. I did it lol

    #showtooltip Elemental Mastery
    /cast Berserking
    /castsequence reset=60 Elemental Mastery

    you don't really need /castsequence, you can simplify the macro to:

    #showtooltip Elemental Mastery

    /cast Elemental Mastery
    /cast Berserking

    castsequence is when you want to active skills in a sequence not at the same time, so if you want to use Elemental Mastery THEN Berskerking you write it like this:

    #showtooltip Elemental Mastery

    /castsequence reset=60 Elemental Mastery, Berserking
    Edited: June 27, 2019

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