1. History: Marketplace adding another variable.

    Good day anyone who reads this.

    First of all I want to share that I enjoy playing the server, met people in real life from the server having a good time overall thanks to Warmane.

    I found out that there is a history page of whatever you did with your account. Its great, but I did like to see another variable on the marketplace tab on the history page. As myself own over 16 characters with 3 accounts, and trying to trade Bind on Equip items for coins. I do find myself auctions not selling and expiring. When this happens the history page reports the auction expired, but it does not tell which character offered on the web page. As I mentioned before, I own 16 characters, its quite hard to remember which character you posted the auction on. I would really loved if you guys could add which character offering the auction on the history page. You can see which character sells the items on the marketplace, I don't see why it isn't possible adding it to the history page.

    Its highly possible that I am not the only person having this amount of playtime on Warmane, and having these amount of characters.

    Thanks for your time and understanding, did like to see comments in the future.

    Best regards,

  2. Or... You know... Keep a notepad file with the auctions you make to track them easier. Or, and hear me out on this one, send your BoE's to one main trade character from which you post all of your website auctions. One per each of your three accounts. Ain't no way you're getting that wrong.

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