1. I do not use bots

    I am PvE oriented and I don't engage in PvP.
    When I get killed I get over it and go back to my questing.
    Most of the time I don't fight back.

    I have one, single account.
    On that account I have 7 ally toons and 3 horde.
    I was on my horde hunter level 28, doing quest in Hilsbrad on the human farm.
    Some ***** mage attacked me, killed my boar pet and I refused to fight back.
    (The name is Azail, or was it Azial.)

    Since he didn't kill me I saw that he was just mocking me.
    If he is a sadist he will not get his satisfaction, because I don't get mad over pixel "killing".

    He was much higher level than I am and it was shown to me as skull.
    I revived my pet, waiting for me to either kill me or go away and let me continue my quest.
    He continued by polymorphing me but still not killing me.
    He killed my pet again and I revived it again but he killed it third time.
    I didn't revive my boar again.
    He attacks me but not kills me. I press X to show him that I refuse to fight.
    Bully that attacks much lower players don't deserve reaction.
    So he hit me again, I press X again to sit back down.
    I pressed Alt+F4 to switch to my ally mage.
    (My ally mage is Boldric.)
    While under attack you can't simply switch to another toon.
    You have to forcibly break the client and your toon on the server will be inactive until you log in another toon on the same account.

    In world chat I said "Azail, that hunter Hurg is mine, I was just doing quest there."
    When I logged back to my hunter he did it again.
    He didn't give up, trying to provoke me.

    I had to forcibly close the client again with Alt+F4 and log my ally mage back in.
    This time I told him directly in /whisper that the hunter Hurg is mine and I was just doing quest there.

    When he saw that I was not mad and won't trash talk, he got mad himself.
    He said that "it is a bot", that "normal person would at least target me".
    I told him that he doesn't know what "normal person" is, and he said that he will send a ticket that Hurg is bot.

    I told him it is not.
    He asid "GM will see if the toon is bot and I will not cancel the ticket".
    I told him that if GM can see that it is not a bot then he doesn't have to cancel the ticket.

    Obviously even if GM can see that it is not a bot they didn't check.
    I can't start any toon now, whenever I login and click on toon to start the game I receive the message "World Server is Down".


    I still won't fight back if some bully attacks me while questing.
    If you expect me to, you will get disappointed.

    And I won't attack people that do quests.
    I'm not a bully like this guy.

  2. world server down means just that. the server crashed. give it a bit and it will be back up.

  3. Sorry.
    I didn't know that in extremely rare situations it can allow me to log in and select character while it is down.
    My apologies.
    And thanks.

  4. Well, I hope you at least keep your word. Everything you wrote is quite nice. Thank you for joining the server.

  5. Hit me up and ill mock that mage for you :p

  6. Thanks, good people.
    About keeping my word, when I see someone from opposite faction fighting some mob I hit that mob to help it die faster.
    I don't vulture on the player during his low mana and HP.
    I have nothing to prove. :)

    About mockung that mage, thanks but I don't need revenge.
    I could call guildies to give him bad time, but it would accomplish nothing.
    He will stay what he is, it will just give him justification. :)
    We knew this is PvP server when we joined.
    I was just concerned about my access, not about dying.
    In some other games you lose some XP when you die, but not here "which is nice". :)

    See you in game, have a nice play.
    Edited: June 26, 2019

  7. World server and Login server are two different servers fyi. So if World server is down but login server is up you can still login and see your chars, just not get in the world. Not rare at all.

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