1. where 60-69 ?

    Hello ppl is buga here, im not a "english speaker" so i hope u guys understand.

    60-69 bracket is dead for years and ppl playng 60 are very rude when talking about bgs pop
    anyway is more quiet now 60 just go play on onixya and all wotlk server had no stuff for us
    i know had some russians twinks who like that bracket but i dont know where i can find those ppl so i will made a call on this post

    Calling for everyone who had a twink 69 to join us a nostalgic experience to revive that thing and discuss the future of that bracket
    on days 05/01/24 at 07/01/24 me and my friends will make a guild on icecrown (aliance) and another one will be active on horde
    on those days we got queue active (like all days..)
    u guys are welcome and i will not measure efforts to help who want to join us

    : Bugajr
    Edited: December 30, 2023

  2. Hi, write the name of the guild on the horde.

  3. Hi, write the name of the guild on the horde.

    Twink about it
    Barezi is the leader

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