1. Dungeon Finder Bug

    I have noticed several occasions where I find a group in Dungeon Finder but many time it lets people sign up for dungeons that they are physically unable to enter because of the minimum level required to even walk through the portal. I had a tank who was one level too low to teleport into Escape from Durnholde and most recently today both the tank and healer that were found in RDF were 67 when we got grouped for the Botanica. Botanica requires level 68 so they couldn't teleport into the instance.

    Maybe either lower the instance's required level for the portal or just raise the minimum range of levels to use dungeon finder for such dungeons?

    As a side note on this topic I truly believe SFK should have a higher minimum such as 18 as getting parties consisting of all 16 is a slaughter.

  2. I probably got queued with you, since I've stumbled into this problem many times now with my priedt. Same dungeons, same problems. I queued to a random tbc dungeon and when I got a group, I couldn't teleport in because of the required level. So... It shouldn't queue me for these dungeons if my level is not high enough.

  3. I had the same problem a week ago, the dungeon finder built the party for a random dungeon with level required to enter 68 but another player and I were 67.

  4. July 1, 2019  
    Happened to me yesterday too... We ended up disbanding and doing all the queue time all over again. The system in that range (66~ level dungeons) does not work properly. I'm amazed something so easily spotted and game breaking has not been adressed nor reported anywhere else.
    (This is a way tu bump the thread too)

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