1. Need help! Regarding UH DK vs Hunter MM

    i just leveled both of these guys this week and im struggling to stick to one to fully progress for endgame content such as raiding, bgs and 2s

    Was anyone else in this position or had similar experience between unable to fully commit to 1 class ?

    how'd you come to finally pick the class ?


    Dk -

    has probably the most simpliest rotation but it doesnt bore me whatsoever.. idk something about the class art just make me look pass how simple it is to apply dots into dmg-strike then maybe a few utility... and if im going for fancy dmg.. i pop corpse explosion

    some cons i have so far is, sometimes ( newbie struggles ) i mess up and get a 7second gcd.. unlike hunter.. im mainly approaching every single mob out there in the same way.. but like i said on my previous sentence.. it doesnt really make me bored for some reason..

    i've always been an up in your face, smash you and my keyboard at the same time type player so this fits what im very use to.

    Hunter -

    Love the QoL ( quality of life ) on this class.. from feign deaths to pet management.. if im deep inside this cave for this quest that i just completed.. i can just simply pop my aspect of the pack.. and let my pet aggro everything along the way.. making a quick escape out of that hell hole. if somehow pet dies.. i can just disengage and pop feign of death and restart my escape.

    i like how fluid the skill works.. like poppin serpent sting.. letting it tick for a bit, while doing some other shot dmg into chimera shot for that quick small burst.. trap placement, etc... though it feels pretty basic but has the feeling of i can kill this same mob in 3 other different approaches.

    cons just small things like i can maybe get lucky and kill 5 mobs at the same time but i will have downtime by needing to eat food afterwards... or i can just kill 1 mob at a time and jump in aspect of viper if my mana gets too low with minimal downtime and never requiring to eat food

    Gameplay wise

    Im new to both so i feel like im learning something new about each class everyday.. though what i can say is..

    for hunter, i can have alot of outplay mechanic potential with traps, scatter shot, pet stun/pin..

    for dk, not really much of outplay mechanics... though i have alot of defensives cd that can help me come out of top... which is a bit lame in my eyes..

    i like the feeling of " holy **** i just pulled that off " rather than.. " **** im lucky that i have this defensive cd up and was able to kill him "

    i was hoping i can decide for myself upon writing this.. but ****.. both class really just offers all my preference right now.. cant seem to find 1 pros/cons that makes me lean to one of the class..

  2. forgot to include.. im playing in wotlk

  3. Make both on Blackrock (u start with full season 7 gear, 5.5k GS), play them both in Bgs (and 2s) and hit the target dummy a lot to see what you like the most. Some classes change a LOT with gear/haste, mana becomes less of an issue, you kill stuff faster etc.

    Theres really nothing we can tell you to do/play that would help you, just pick what you enjoy more.

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