1. GRID 2 Healing Resto Druid

    Hello can anybody help me how do I add Power Word Shield on my grid2 as a Resto DRUID

  2. Good call on thinking to track PW:S. Grid2 can definitely be rather unintuitive to set up.

    - Do /grid2 -> Click 'status' -> Click 'buff'. Make sure you're actually clicking the 'buff' row itself, not the drop-down plus sign on the row.
    - Make sure 'Show if mine' box isn't ticked. You can leave the layer as account. Enter the ability name you want to track, in this case "Power Word: Shield". Right now your add-on window should look something like this.
    - Click the 'okay' button next to the name (not the larger 'Okay' button at the bottom). Click 'New Status' at the very end. The buff you just entered should now be visible when you click the drop-down plus sign on 'buff'.

    - Below 'status', click 'indicator'. Choose where you want the buff to appear (in this case I'd suggest something like icon-center, perhaps).
    - After you choose where you want it to appear, on the area to the right, scroll down until you see an 'Available Statuses' list. Look for and check on 'buff-PowerWord:Shield'. You'll see it appear on the list of enabled statuses just above. Use the '+' or '-' buttons to shift it in priority. All the way at the top, you can adjust its size, and how it appears (whether it appears as an icon, which is handled by default if you picked icon-center, or whether it appears as a shape, or text, etc).
    - This should be the end of it. Get in a party and have a friend put the buff on party members to see if it looks right for you. If you don't like it being in the center, or if you think it's too big, you should know how to change those things now. If you're tracking it as an icon, it should appear more or less like this. Durations are trackable from the icon as well.

    I'd also recommend tracking other things like Beacon of Light and various cooldowns like Hand of Sacrifice and Survival Instincts, etc. If you were a Disc Priest/Holy Priest or Rshammy it would also be good to track things like Inspiration and Ancestral Fortitude.
    Edited: June 30, 2019

  3. ^nice info about icons.

    If you wanted grid to display absorb amount as well, you could play with your healt (multi) bar.

    This is a very good grid2 site: http://murlocparliament.com/how-2-grid2/ - look at Multibar to check what I mean.

  4. Very useful even after some years, thanks

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