1. Top 5 Best DPS Classes on Warmanes WoTLK!

    Ola, we got another video so yh thats that.



  2. Youtube videos which have "top x" in the titel usually tend to be trashy but this one is pretty good.
    I agree that TTW fire mage has overall the best single target DPS and on top of that I'd say it has one of the easiest rotations in game.
    The most complex part of their rotations is to apply the scorch debuff on the target when nobody in the raid has a similiar debuff. In pug raids most fire mages fail to do so, same as most fury warriors fail to apply x5 sunder armors on bosses even though it would be a huge dmg increase to any physical dmg dealer of the raid.
    Edited: August 20, 2019

  3. You should test BiS blood DK dps.

  4. Hehe i have tested blood DK dps a little, and especially in TOGC twin valkyrs it can pop off, but its nowhere near as consistent as the hunter was in my experience.

    It is fun tho, especially in Pvp xD

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