1. July 2, 2019  

    Activity rank demotion after getting banned

    So a few weeks back I (rightfully) received a 5 day ban for exploiting and ever since then my activity rank went down from Ambassador (1.1 points) to Agent (0.5 points). Is there a reason why my activity rank was demoted? Is bumping you down to Agent after receiving a ban normal Warmane policy or is this a mistake? Am I going to be an Agent forever now or is this only temporary? I have 3715 achievement points and am receiving 0.5 points per vote so it would be incredibly difficult to climb back up to Ambassador since I have so many achievements already. Thank you in advance!

  2. July 2, 2019  
    am.. k soo:

    .5 points are for being a good boy, this resets 1 year (probably a bit too much for the 1-2 day bans, idk if the time is reduced for these) after being banned..
    .2 are for having a minimum of 1k ap
    .1 per 1k ap, counted together on all expansion and charas, however you can't get over 1 point by ap (8000!), and over 1.2 together with the .5

    tl;dr.. just play for fun and what you like most atm :p

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