I currently have two separate flight path options in Northrend. When I take a boat to the continent, I can use all the flight paths I've discovered in Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills, and Howling Fjord. None connect to Dalaran. If I hearth to Dalaran, I can fly only to Icecrown and the Argent Vanguard just below Dalaran, but once I land in Argent Vanguard, I can't fly out anywhere because it says I know no connecting paths.

I'm pretty sure this may be because I never did the Magical City quest that flies you to Dalaran, and I can't pick it up at any of the NPCs that give it. I think I can't get the quest because I completed the teleporting quest down to crystalsong forest first. Now all paths are just glitched somehow.

Does anyone know how to fix this?