1. A letter to the Horde. FOR THE ALLIANCE

    Greetings Horde,
    King Cacelle and His Fellow Cacelleians have noted your presence at Stormwind.
    You have committed several acts of treason towards your King
    and ruler Cacelle The Omnipotent and for this you must now pay!

    In order for the Cacellefian Execution Squad to be able to do their job, you are
    hereby ordered to Caccele's hand in Eastern Plague Lands (Tyr's Hand, according to the old maps, CORRECT IT ALREADY WARMANE).

    Upon your arrival, you will be escorted to the cellar in the main keep
    Casa Caccelfian, where you will be tortured and mutilated until you disclose the names,
    classes, races and specs of your accomplices.

    Your Torturer of the evening, will be King Cacelle The Omnipotent, properly dressed
    for the occasion. No wine will be served, but I am sure whine will be heard once we
    get you into the Iron Maiden.

    IF YOU HOWEVER manage to incapacitate His Highness King Cacelle before the act can
    commence, you will receive a full pardon and the Cacelleian Warmongers will
    not attack you first at every given encounter, but will put you in line as number 2
    or 3, depending on the constallations.
    AND!! The Cacelleian Troubadours will write you a battle hymn, in recognition of
    your efforts.

    HOWEVER!!! You must come alone! Any outside interference will null and void the

    As King Cacelle is a generous King, you are allowed to name the time for your
    execution or redemption. If the date and time check ok with the Royal Dayplanner,
    we will commence as stated above.

    His Highness is looking forward to the execution.

    Dress code: suit that can take a stain.

    Hail And K!LL
    King Cacelle The Omnipresent

    Furthermore all your cities and your hordlings that don't attend will be met by the sword every single day. Especially the low level warriors which we will hand so they don't level up and serve the Horde army. Everywhere and everyday. You might have noticed our Presence in Orgrimmar the past few days, killing everything and all low levels included. This will continue untill further notice.

    Something from today : (aFTER 1 HOUR KILLING IN ORGRIMMAR)

  2. When this server's pvp died, people went to RP

  3. I see Deathsorrow i see clowns.

  4. Nice cringe my dude. This is pretty sad.

  5. what is love? Alliance don't hurt, me no more pls no more hehe

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