1. Stop the politics in /Global.

    We live in a polarized world. I know, you know, we al know.
    But lets be honest, we come here to play a game. Not to discuss RL related stuff.
    There are many outlets where you can discuss politics online, but wow isn't one of them.
    I for one am sick and tired of having to dig through endless stale posts about how in the know people are. For god's sake i just want to find something to raid.

    TLDR: go be woke/red pilled somewhere else, nobody cares


  2. anon1: LFM ICC10 need hpala 5.5+
    anon2: LF 1 Tank Ony25 ring res
    anon3: asdasj fslkfa <Random Guild> asdas fasfsaf afas /w anon3 asdasgsdg asdasdasd
    anon1: LFM ICC10 need hpala 5.5+
    anon4: is [random quest] bugged?
    anon1: LFM ICC10 need hpala 5.5+

    That what global looks like without people talking about random **** like politics. pretty boring.

  3. God forbid people use global the correct way.

  4. Politics only happen at night time (Europe) when I play. All Americans start arguing with each other. And it seems that at this time they mostly come to the server.

  5. Politics only happen at night time (Europe) when I play. All Americans start arguing with each other. And it seems that at this time they mostly come to the server.
    I've noticed the same on another server for Classic. As soon as Americans wake up all chat channels turn into a ****fest.

  6. What's "the correct way"? There is none. Just do be disrespectful, racist, etc.

  7. We live in a polarized world. I know, you know, we al know.
    But lets be honest, we come here to play a game. Not to discuss RL related stuff.
    There are many outlets where you can discuss politics online, but wow isn't one of them.
    I for one am sick and tired of having to dig through endless stale posts about how in the know people are. For god's sake i just want to find something to raid.

    TLDR: go be woke/red pilled somewhere else, nobody cares

    do yourself a favour and do /leave global and start use trade/lfg channel for making groups then. people got free speech rights.

  8. As soon as Americans wake up all chat channels turn into a ****fest.
    hahaha just try living here
    that is literally the state of the nation

    but at least /lfg is a little more grounded. personally i just stay away from global

  9. I like Lordaerons global chat. It's fun when you're leveling.

  10. who needs social guild when u got global chat?

  11. i used to hate it at first too, then take on mind that most of these are trolls baiting responses.

    just report those that goes too far into direct insults and hardcore racism because these neckbeards probably think its a serious talk and not trolling, the rest are fun.

  12. What? people talking about politics in a chat window? The nerve! How dare people discuss things that interest them.

  13. It's okay, Comrade, you're allowed to have an opinion... in Siberia

  14. Tbh, op is right.

    I'm getting really tired of all the anti-Western and anti-American flame in Global, usually done by players, coming from developing countries (have to specifically mention guys from Balkan states here, cause most of the verbal offenders indeed come from this region).

    This has to stop.

    The majority of Warmane contributors come from US and EU countries; it's merely unfair that many of the people, who play here for free thanks to OUR support, badmouth us and our countries in return in global chats.
    Edited: August 23, 2019

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