1. General Population

    Hi Guys,
    I'm thinking about starting it cause MoP (after WOTLK) was my favorite expansion. The problem is that I only see less than 300 ppl online everytime I check the Information tab. Is this normal? Or does this go up on the weekend? I mean there has to be some kind of activity if it is still up. Plus the last update was in August so ppl are working on this.

    Let me know what you think.

  2. The numbers might be different ingame while you use /who. Weekend the population is between 100-500 max.

    There is 0 chance to gear up straight in Pve way like in Wotlk, for Pve you need Honor PVP FULL Gear! Bgs are not so often, the mighty Horde is gone from the server, no pve and pvp guilds are left, only the leftover stayed like on Outland / Neltharion.

    Dead realms still exists.

    Ps: There was no update recently, just a changelog was collected for a year and got published.
    Edited: September 25, 2019

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