1. Hey whats the best route to take for quest levelling?

    So im rather new to the server havent really played Wrath since it was live on retail and even then was pretty young, my question is what is the most efficient way to level on the server when doing it through questing? Ive seen a couple guides but they seemed outdated. Icecrown server*

  2. Follow these ones, and the dungeon finder for low levels is enabled now so just queue up every now and then as your doing quests.
    Horde: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=20826
    Alliance: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=99150

  3. Never go STV/Tanaris/Un'goro.

    Few untruthful statements taken from the guides:

    Horde guide states:
    Stranglethorn Vale: Alliance dread STV. It should be horde territory. On my Alliance guide I don't recommend coming here, but on this horde guide, go for it! Get from 30-40 with no problem at all.(Unless you're on frostwolf, according to a few players ally gank stv on frostwolf.)
    Tanaris: Once again, a spot that Alliance players avoid, way to many horde for us. Enjoy the free honor while you're here! :D

    Alliance guide states:
    Recommended: Stranglethorn Vale (STV) (30-45)
    Recommended: Tanaris (40-50)
    Alliance doesn't dread STV, it's close to SW, Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Redridge Mountains, and Duskwood. It's only logical to go there next as alliance player.

    Alliance doesn't avoid Tanaris, nor do Horde. Why? "Long way" isn't the reason because there's portal to Caverns of Time in Dalaran, which which conveniently takes you a short run away from Gadgetzan. Not to mention the amount of gankers and lvl 80 PvPers there.

    Go to either zone if you want to shoot yourself in the foot. Don't come to forum afterwards and cry about evil *insert opposite faction* gankers ruining your WoW experience and suggest rules against it.

  4. supposed not "the best" route, but the one I like the most because its rather quiet and many greeneries

    A & H (up to lvl 20) : quest at spawn and near by city, at least till you can get 60% speed mount at lvl 20
    A (lvl 20 > 40) : from Menethil Harbor, Wetlands open path to north towards Arathi Basin
    H (lvl 20 > 40) : from UnderCity, open path to the southeast towards Hillsbard Foothils up to Arathi Basin

    A & H (lvl 40-ish) : ask/buy portal to Dalaran, save inn there, portal to Cavern of Time ; goto Tanaris ; take only 2 Quests
    1). Noggenfogger, complete its first quest by collecting Thirsty something, then NPC will direct you to collect something from Hinterlands
    2). Water survey, do this coz its same direction as #1 quest
    only 2 quests here and we're done, spending too much time here means get ganked constantly

    A & H (lvl 40 - 50) : travel to Hinterlands, it is easy because we're already open up path to Arathi and Hillsbard
    for Alliance dont forget to visit Darnassus to pick Q about "owlkin" or something, NPC is located at outer tree inside house before ship dock,
    this Q will ask you to travel to Hinterlands anyway

    A & H (lvl 50 - 55) : play a bit @ Dustmallow Marsh
    if not mistaken, Alliance can travel from ship @ Menethil Harbor
    while Horde must travel manually

    A & H (lvl 55 - 58) : skip Un'goro instead directly goto Silithus
    we only need to do few Quests such as the elite one, lost sacthel, ask NPC's daugther where about

  5. With dungeon finders you can actually skip many levels.

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