1. Fury warrior with Oathbinder

    This Warrior is using Oathbinder with fury spec, how ?

  2. Do you want to get him banned? Cos this is how you get people permabanned.

  3. Probably he changed weapon during your inspection, it bugs out usually and displays weird things.

  4. if u change spec from Arms to Fury while polearm is equipped on main hand, u can put any other axe/sword/mace in offhand

  5. And two days later you see someone show up on the forum with "my weapon just disappeared" posts...
    If you bug something up to get this and then server bugs something else (putting it in your bag) you've got nothing to complain about.

  6. Same thing that happened on my prot warrior. I used to have 2 nightmare tears instead of only 1. Wrist+hands, it worked.

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