1. Looking for Absjr of the Royal Family

    Shining and beloved,

    the night of August, 20th it was, when your strong and valiant fraction gave us the honor of raiding our city of Orgrimmar.

    In the turbulences of battle, you took the time and jumped and danced with me, soothing my pain not being able to fulfill my business with the auctioneer. I watched and rejoiced, merely being able to express my gratitude by jumping due to low level and thus reduced abitiliy of expression.

    Could a female of such glowing appearance and high birth have recognized my humble existence? And even considered it worthy sparing a little of her time fooling around? I am most certain, your repeatedly rejoicing the verse "You lose" was less to be seen literally but more as an effort of overcoming the linguistic borders between us.

    Be sure to find me waiting at the place of or first acquaintance hoping for further enjoyment.


    Chief of Postal Services of the Guild of Happy Sushi Bar

    P.S.: perhaps I could talk our Chef into fixing us something nice we could enjoy on the beach before the gates of Orgrimmar ;-)

  2. Everyone will reply but her. I ve two words for you. TRAITOR SCUM. How could you shown sympathy and love to such vile creatures while you belong to the most honorable race of orcs. Your head will serve as a warning to all whose are cooperating with enemy.

  3. How dare you to have fun in *current year*!!?

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