1. Boss Frame Hides Debuffs - Its Affecting ALL Players

    hi, so im using the default GUI

    on some fights (for example it happened on Festergut but not on TOC or Sartharion), i get this locked target frame as shown in the picture
    its right on top of the debuff area and i cant see the debuffs
    when i right click it it gives the options Set Focus and Cancel
    the normal target frame still exists separately so i have two frames for the same target as if i had clicked Set Focus (though i havent)
    how to get rid of this?

    this is the top+right area of my screen
    Edited: August 29, 2019

  2. Originally Posted by thesmotis
    how to get rid of this?
    These are the default BossFrames (1-4).
    Looking through blizzards code there seems to be no option to disable them.

    Should do the trick:

    for i=1, MAX_BOSS_FRAMES do 
    Copy & paste the Lua code into any existing .lua file or use the macro version:

    /run for i=1, MAX_BOSS_FRAMES do RegisterStateDriver(_G['Boss'..i..'TargetFrame'],'visibility','hide') end
    Simply /reload if you want to them to be shown again.

  3. ah you are right, it's indeed part of the default GUI, weird
    i just saw it on BPC with 3x BossTargetFrame so now i know when to expect it so im probably going to test the script next week
    thanks a lot

  4. ok, so there are various difficulties with testing this, it doesnt show up on all bosses, there are raid lockouts, i cant relog and retest during a raid fight and of course when im in a fight im busy fighting
    the script didn't work on all occasions but i was testing 6-7 variations of this script, so im not sure which one was bad
    i read that in some encounters the mechanics reset everything so it could be something of that sort
    luckily i got hold of a lost raid id at DBS so i tested again and again and now i've minimized the number of scripts that need further testing but it will still take time because i need to test other encounters (and the reasons i mentioned blah blah)

    i know this is not a warmane bug but it is a bug 100%, this is a serious issue that needs attention from the community and the developers in order to get fixed centrally
    imagine this, recently i got my first and only invitation (without having the achievement or the required gs) to Ruby Sanctum
    its an easy fight i know the tactics but i couldnt see my debuffs and i had to check the combat log in order to do my job
    imagine how many players players in lower encounters are trying to follow their leaders directions and check their debuffs but they have no idea what to do because they cant see the debuffs hiding behind the bosstargetframe

    of course its related to the display resolution/gui scaling/numbers of buffs so it doesnt happen to every player on the server, but it doesnt matter

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