1. Post your funny/epic stories

    Hi all. Wanted to post a story and figured I'd open it up to others as well.

    I play on Outland server and was farming leather in Nagrand on my Horde druid. I noticed in chat the Ring of Blood NPC's yelling that another part of the trial as going to start. Since I was close, I ran over and notice it was a group of alliance... https://images.app.goo.gl/6j5bFG239fQ5kR3j9

    So I hang back, stealthed, for bit to scope out the situation. Druid tank, shaman healer, dps, etc. It was looking like the healer was doing ok, but wasn't keeping up with damage spikes. So, when the druid tank took a big hit, I snuck in and ganked him. The elite went right for the shaman, the proceeded to tear his way through the group.

    Was it a dick move? Sure. Do I care? Not one bit. :)

  2. As alliance who likes world PvP, I approve :)

  3. When I play DK i like to death grip random lowbies out of the blue when they don't see me or a second after I pass them to scare the hell out of them but I don't kill them. One time a guy golfclap spammed me for a good 3 seconds until he realized I wasn't killing him.
    Edited: August 26, 2019

  4. Once in Storm Peaks,as I flew over on my shaman looking for that drake that drops mount, I noticed rare wolf Skoll down there, at the egde, I flew down to him thinking should I kill it or not, then an alliance hunter came,dismounted,and stood there for few sec,probably thinking same as me, if he tries to kill me I will just kill his prize, so I /point at Skoll, and /cong him, he nods and starts to tame. As he is channeling,some thoughts go trough my head: hunters always focus you in bgs, hunters always kill you,hunters are too op, you hate hunters... But the laudest one was FOR THE HORDE! And I thunderstormed him to oblivion in that village below, he died. Then some wild pala came and killed Skoll

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