1. Tier 10 Bonus for Restoration

    I just wanted to ask the real the chance for a rejuvenation to jump to another target after a tick. Maybe is higher than 2%? In that case I have another question. In 25 man raid what is better for the bonus of t10 to activate, glyph of rapid rejuvenation (less time between ticks) or not having the glyph (more rejus u can put)? Thanks.

  2. I just wanted to ask the real the chance for a rejuvenation to jump to another target after a tick. Maybe is higher than 2%? In that case I have another question. In 25 man raid what is better for the bonus of t10 to activate, glyph of rapid rejuvenation (less time between ticks) or not having the glyph (more rejus u can put)? Thanks.
    It's 2% counted each tick on each rejuvenation you have active.

    Let's say you can have 15 unglyphed rejus 18s duration) up and 10 glyphed (12s duration). So you would have 15/3 = 5 ticks/s in first case and 10/2 = 5 ticks/s in second case. As long as I didn't miss anything it should be the same or at least close enough that it doesn't matter.

    Glyph is often not recommend for 25 mans since resto job is usually to blanket whole raid with hots.

  3. That's a bit of a tricky question.
    If you go for the glyph, you can heal more in short time, you'll likely have more healing in the end due to that. Your Rejuv will heal faster, it will be able to top up a player before shaman gets to cast his chain heal. This does appear better because you might get higher numbers.
    But on the other hand, having no glyph means you can have 15 rejuvs casted (wg rejuv x5 wg rejuv x5 wg rejuv x5) at all times, so 15 members have "passive" healing on them for pp, bql, fester, sindra, even lk transition, while with the glyph 10 of them have it, that's 66% of the original, shaman has to work harder.

    Personally, I prefer going Nourish over rapid rejuv/rejuv because if I'm casting nourish I do it for a good reason and I want to save someone, I probably have a hot or two on them, so 6/12% is not bat at all. If you're tank healing then you got 3 hots so that's 24%, almost a quarter.

    Resto druid could top the chart, Warhole is amazing, but it's not strictly his job to that. He can, sure, but he doesn't have to. You're a support, paladin keeps the tanks alive, you top everyone bit by bit, shaman tops them up with chain heal, disc is there to cover for dps mistakes.
    Edited: September 9, 2019

  4. The t10 bonuses was one of the main reasons I stopped gearing resto. I actually really enjoy healing as druid too. It's the only healing class my high latency will permit me to play.

    Those bonuses to me confine the R-druid into a really strict meta, And imo aren't as impactful as bonuses on other classes. I also dislike that it's a heavily rng based proc for which you have no control over who will benefit from it and when. Imo, most of the increase in rejuv will be wasted as over-healing. Not to mention it being downright useless in a 5 man group.

  5. glyph of rejuv is better than rapid rejuv. You don't want the healing to fall off early

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